Millennial Marketing and Events

Five More Tips on Engaging Millennials from the Millennial Impact Report

If you think cause marketing tie-ins are an event trend, think again. The latest research contained in the annual Millennial Impact Report, produced by the Case Foundation, reveals that millennials not only want to do good (and want companies and brands to do good)—they want to do more. The 2019 study, which takes into account 10 years-worth of data by the foundation and research partner Achieve on millennials and their interest in causes, analyzed a number of key insights through the years. Here, we break down five takeaways from the report.

millennials-stock_teaser.jpgMore Insights from the 2019 Millennial Impact Report:

1. TELL A STORY: “People relate most to a social issue when humans are the core of the story.”


2. START SMALL: Most young people’s first cause-action is typically small, whether liking a social media post, signing a petition or sharing a message.”


3. BE BOLD: “Causes and companies cannot be shy about sharing their stance on important causes/social issues and what they’re doing to advance progress.”


4. PARTNER UP: “Partnerships can help position an organization as innovative and collaborative. Partners can help a cause form new engagement opportunities, open up new audiences, make additional promotion possible and bring resources to a project.”


5. CREATE PATHWAYS: “Causes and nonprofits can pick up on natural changemaker tendencies to turn everyday doing-good actions into bigger movements with broader impact on issues that matter to millennials.”

Rachel Boucher
Posted by Rachel Boucher

Rachel joined Event Marketer in 2012 and today serves as the brand's head of content. Her travels covering the experiential marketing indust ry have ranged from CES in Las Vegas to Spring Break in Panama City Beach, Florida (hey, it's never too late)—and everywhere in between.
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