Green 2.0: How Brands Are Immersing Consumers in Modern Environmental Causes Sustainability, B-to-C Events Posted on May 10, 2019 by Rachel Boucher Four ways brands are reimagining what it means to ‘go green’ We used to think about “going green” by way of recycling or using less paper. Those actions are still important and in play,… LOGIN Please contact [email protected] if you are unable to login. Forgot Password? Tags:experiential marketing, sustainability, event marketing, green event, Event Marketer, cause marketing, Event Agency, CSR, Event Marketer Magazine, EventMarketer, Experiential Marketing Agency, Event Agencies, Event Marketing Magazine, tiny house, Experiential Marketing Companies, millennials, Event Marketers Related Articles Super Bowl LII: Schwan’s Celebrates 65 Years With a 40-Foot Tailgate Truck Tower Ben & Jerry’s Recreates Bed-In Event To Promote Peace Johnnie Walker Princes Street: An Eight-Story Brand Home Designed to Shake up the Scotch Industry Pop-ups: Motorola Uses Temporary Store As Part of Q Launch