Study: What Gen Z Really Wants, and Why Marketers Should Care B-to-C Events, B-to-B Events, Technology Posted on November 16, 2020 by Kaylee Hultgren Trend report offers a “jumping-off” point for marketers The Gen Z target can’t recall a time without technology. Generally defined as those born during the late 1990s to the late 2000s, Gen… LOGIN Please contact [email protected] if you are unable to login. Forgot Password? Tags:Sponsorship, Gen Z, cause marketing, data, music festivals, TikTok Related Articles Wendy’s NCAA Sponsorship Sizzles with Supersized Visuals and a Growth Mentality Podcast: Taking Pride in Employee Events, with Roger Mahusay of T-Mobile Taubman Offers ‘Wicked’ Promotion AT&T’s ‘It Can Wait’ Campaign