
July 5, 2018

Seven Strategies Behind Uber Elevate’s Vision to Make Flying Cars a Reality

The Uber Elevate Summit was borne of one simple, zany question, according to Uber head of product, aviation Nikhil Goel: “Why can’t we fly around the city?” At the time the idea was percolating, back in October 2016, innovations in ridesharing were lowering the cost of transportation, which in turn opened the market up to...

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June 28, 2018

To Encourage Attendee Interactions, MobileIronLive Welcomes Attendees ‘Home’

Enterprise security company MobileIron each year brings together IT professionals for an annual conference on getting more value and better usage out of its mobile security platform. While in the past the event involved several hundred attendees in a hotel convention center, this year the brand shook up the format with an unconference and more...

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June 8, 2018

Five Tips for Arranging One-to-One Meetings at B-to-B Events

Insights on pre-planning a meaningful, in-depth one-on-one meeting strategy Challenges in the pharmaceutical and healthcare business have prompted medical meeting organizers to re-think engagements at conferences and trade shows. Speakers at the Annual Global Pharmaceutical and Medical Meetings Summit in Philadelphia addressed issues that are facing event marketers in every business sector. One of the most...

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June 4, 2018

How MillerCoors Transformed a Reception into a Brand Immersion for Distributors

The reception at MillerCoors’ Distributor National Convention has taken many shapes over the years—unfolding indoors in ballrooms and outdoors along streetscapes. The evening event is intended to feel like a networking party for the more than 3,000 folks in attendance with the intention to highlight all of the brands and messaging presented during the day’s...

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