B-to-B Events

May 15, 2014

Measuring Influence: A Lesson In Science

Bitcoin is a fantasy. It’s a purely digital currency that is only worth anything because a community of folks on the internet have agreed that it is. They take that belief and use it to make purchases and trades and even exchanges for established currencies. For event marketers, influence is the currency of the day....

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May 7, 2014

Special Report: The 2014 Ex Awards

t’s ironic that an industry built on the idea that it can cut through the clutter of traditional marketing is becoming a pretty cluttered space in its own right. But that’s what happens when you become successful—everybody wants a piece.

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May 7, 2014

Nine Ways To Protect Your Customer Data

It’s ranked as one of the worst data breaches in history, as 40 million Target customers’ credit and debit card information was stolen at the peak of the 2013 holiday shopping season. In early January, Target then announced that 70 million more customers may have had their personal information, like addresses and phone numbers, compromised...

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