B-to-B Events

April 5, 2012

Inside The World’s Largest SEO Conference Series

The b-to-b trade show world gets a bad rap for being behind the rest of the event marketing industry when it comes to innovative experiential tactics, but the SES Worldwide Conference and Expo Series is out to remove that stigma with some seriously exciting ideas about how to present a trade show that’s entertaining and...

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April 5, 2012

How CES Aims For Zero Waste

Large-scale trade shows, b-to-b conferences and trade show exhibitors have gotten a bad reputation over the years for producing too much waste and having too little regard for their impact on the environment. But over the last decade or so, the organizers and exhibitors at the annual Consumer Electronics Show (North America’s largest trade show...

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April 5, 2012

Buzz Factor: Bell Helicopter’s Mystery Chopper

Though Bell Helicopter’s booth at last month’s Heli-Expo at the Dallas Convention Center (Feb. 11-14) was nearly an acre in size, its integrated marketing strategy went well beyond its footprint to deliver results. The company’s program centered around a teaser campaign that drove more than 2,000 attendees to the reveal of its latest Bell 525...

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April 5, 2012

Five Tips from Veteran Trade Show Marketers

Across the U.S. and around the world, trade show budgets are coming back, albeit slowly. As a result, trade show programs are getting refined and redefined as exhibitors try to make deeper connections and get more efficient with their spends. Here are five best practices for trade show marketers from two industry vets, Philips and...

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April 2, 2012

Navistar Makes Push for Natural Gas at MATS

Truck and engine manufacturer Navistar on March 21 held a panel on a hot button issue for the industry—natural gas. The VIP event took place one day prior to the opening of the Mid-America Trucking Show, an annual forum for the heavy-duty trucking industry and the largest trucking show in North America, held March 22...

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