B-to-C Events

February 23, 2016

Syfy Reaches Millennials On Campus and Via Social Media

To connect with younger audiences and create buzz for its sexy new show, “The Magicians,” Syfy in January launched a five-campus tour that included social media influencers with millions of followers, a local marketing blitz and shareable on-site photo booth activations. All that, plus students got the chance to watch an advanced screening of the...

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February 22, 2016

How Oxygen ‘Prancified’ Morning Travel in Manhattan

To generate hype for “The Prancing Elites Project,” Oxygen Media on Jan. 19 “prancified” New Yorkers’ morning commute with free eats and live performances. Aiming to build buzz for the program’s second season, the brand wrapped five coffee carts and placed them in high foot traffic locations that were in close proximity to advertising agencies...

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February 19, 2016

TiVo Riles up Moviegoers with Commercial Interruptions

TiVo in December pulled the ultimate prank on a theater full of moviegoers in Boulder, CO, to promote its newest entertainment device. Aiming to boost awareness for its Bolt DVR system, the brand offered consumers free tickets to a screening of the latest James Bond film, “Spectre”—then promptly interrupted the flick at three different intervals...

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February 19, 2016

Special Report: The 2015 Experience Design Awards

At Event Marketer, we like to give credit where credit is due. So last fall, we renamed the Event Design Awards The Experience Design Awards to better reflect the caliber of work being created and submitted across this award program’s 14 unique categories.

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February 18, 2016

Fresh Step’s Catdance Film Festival Returns to Sundance

Sundance Film Festival attendees traded popcorn for tuna treats at a different kind of independent film experience in Park City, UT: the Catdance Film Festival. The Jan. 21 event, presented by Fresh Step with the power of Febreze litter, featured host and “New Girl” actress Hannah Simone, a red carpet arrival and a premiere of...

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