B-to-C Events

February 15, 2012

L’Oréal Taps Taxis to Drive Fashion Week Sales

L’Oréal USA, a sponsor of Fashion Week in New York City last week, took over a fleet of city taxicabs with a “Snap-to-Buy” technology. As Fashionistas rode from fashion shows to after parties and back, the brand entertained them with videos featuring L’Oréal USA’s Yves Saint Laurent-branded makeup and beauty product how-to videos. After the...

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February 15, 2012

History Brings the Swamp to the City

Since History (formerly known as The History Channel) couldn’t take New Yorkers to a swamp in Louisiana, the network instead brought the swamp to life at New York City’s Chelsea Market to promote the third season of its series, “Swamp People.” The Swamp in the City activation converted a 5,600-square-foot space into a swamp filled...

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February 14, 2012

Oxygen’s Beauty Bar Offers ‘Jersey Couture’

To raise awareness for the second season of its reality series “Jersey Couture,” Oxygen Media earlier this month activated a pop-up beauty salon in New York City’s NOHO neighborhood. The show, which premiered on Feb. 7, follows visitors to New Jersey dress shop Diane & Company where sisters Kimberly and Christina and their mom Diane...

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February 9, 2012

Zeal Optics Sets Off to Score Sales

Premium sunglasses and goggles maker Zeal Optics is heading out on the second leg of a mobile tour this spring to hit beaches and outdoor events with its mobile showroom in an effort to attract hip consumers and generate sales. The first leg has been travelling to ski resorts and hot spots this winter showing...

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February 9, 2012

Lipton’s Force Tour Engages Millennials

On Jan. 27 in Los Angeles, tea brand Lipton Brisk launched the Brisk Star Wars Road Tour in conjunction with digital and TV efforts to drive consumers to uncaptheapp.com to download its Brisksaber app, which allows consumers to use their fingers as light sabers in a battle between the light and dark sides. Consumers can...

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