B-to-C Events

November 30, 2011

Xbox 360 Teams Up with NFL

On Nov. 17, Microsoft’s Xbox division and the NFL announced a multi-year sponsorship deal that will make the game console brand the official partner of the NFL PLAY 60 youth health and wellness program. The partnership will seek to teach kids how to be active while having fun, courtesy of Kinect for Xbox 360.

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November 28, 2011

Food Trucks Leverage Tasty Social Media

A Le Cordon Bleu trained chef running a food truck would have made most of us shrug with disbelief a decade or so ago when we associated these meals on wheels with unsanitary conditions and greasy fare.

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November 25, 2011

Charm City’s Own Works the Baltimore Grand Prix

As a Baltimorean born and bred, I jumped at the chance to help man the Izod IndyCar Fan Village at the Inaugural 2011 Baltimore Grand Prix. Getting to see my city on the world stage as the host of 27 race car drivers, including the notorious Danica Patrick, darting through the downtown streets was more...

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November 25, 2011

Maintaining An Air of Mystery from Inside a Giant Mailbox

Has a mailbox ever talked to you before? This summer, a giant purple talking Yahoo! mailbox struck up conversations with passersby on 9th Street and 8th Avenue in Park Slope, Brooklyn, on June 2, and on Stuyvesant Street, in Manhattan, on June 3. I was embedded during the latter, hidden in a surveillance van with...

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November 25, 2011

Getting Filthy with Dial for Men at Camp Dirt

As I drove from Denver to the C Lazy U Ranch in Granby, CO, on the epic road through the Rocky Mountain State Park at about 12,000 feet, I came to two realizations: a) even brisk walking at high altitude sucks, and b) this was going to be one of the most incredible weekends I...

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