B-to-C Events

September 2, 2011

BocceNation.com Brings Bocce to Times Square

To raise awareness and drive participation, BocceNation.com from Aug. 21 to 24 in New York City’s Times Square showcased the game known as lawn bowling to the English, boules or petanque to the French and bocce to Italians. The experience took place in conjunction with the New York City International Film Festival.

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August 31, 2011

AMC Gives Comic-Con the Zombie Treatment

Banking on the same success its Comic-Con activation had last year when AMC launched its zombie series “The Walking Dead,” the network returned this July with a replica set from season one as it gears up for the return of the series in October. The set depicted the Merle Dixon character chained to the Atlanta...

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August 24, 2011

The Wii U Unveil Takes Form

The first public unveiling of Nintendo’s newest gaming system, Wii U, was the biggest story to come out of E3 this year, and the exhibit environment lived up to the hype. The two-story booth’s clean white fabric exterior was kept under tight wraps until the doors opened, and was illuminated with color changing LEDs once...

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August 24, 2011

Bethesda Comes Alive at E3

Bethesda’s exhibit created a big buzz from the outside thanks to some incredible scenery and media elements that played off the three game titles the developer focused on for E3, “Prey 2,” “Rage” and “Skyrim.” Incredibly detailed scenic reproductions of a dragon from the “Skyrim” game (he was wrapped around a big LED screen), and...

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