B-to-C Events

February 3, 2010

Farmer’s Insurance Agents Connect with Families

All over the country, independent Farmer’s Insurance agents have been hosting and taking part in events where the brand offers a free software package to help parents protect their children in case they’re ever lost or stolen. In exchange, the agents are collecting data and potential leads. So far, the response rate from parents who...

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February 3, 2010

J&R Promos Same-Day Service

For the first week in December New York City pedestrians were stopped in their tracks and traffic came to a halt as three bike messengers hired by J&R Music and Computer World sporting refrigerator-sized boxes strapped to their backs pedaled throughout the city as if making deliveries. The stunt was part of J&R’s promotion for...

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February 3, 2010

WE Builds Support for Volunteer Campaign

To kick off its latest volunteerism initiative called Pledge 24 in 2010, WE tv took pledging to the people on Dec. 17 with a mobile Resolution Center where passersby could step out of the frigid temperatures and pledge to warm the lives of others with volunteer service in the new year.

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February 3, 2010

Phaidon Tests the NYC Market

Chances are we’ve all picked up a book published by Phaidon and didn’t even realize it. That’s what Phaidon Publishing hopes to change with its pop-up shop on Wooster Street in SoHo where it is testing the New York City market through March by inviting consumers to book-themed events.

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February 3, 2010

Tillamook Spreads the Loaf on National Sampling Tour

Celebrating its 100th anniversary, Oregon-based Tillamook Cheese shut the dairy farm gates behind it and hit the open road Jan. 9 on The Loaf Love Tour, making its first stop in Tucson, AZ, then nine other states and 25 cities over 11 months. At the center of the tour is a fleet of Loaf Love...

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