B-to-C Events

January 28, 2010

Using Buzz Metrics

Television has Nielsen ratings. Print ads circulation numbers. Even billboards in the middle of South Dakota can look to traffic patterns to help illustrate their value. None of these tracking units are a perfect science of course. (No matter what they tell you.) But based on sheer market maturity these disciplines have historically enjoyed more...

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January 28, 2010

Generate Web Buzz Pre-event

As a follow-up to our April 2008 special report on word-of-mouth marketing we offer these handy links to help you get started building your own branded Facebook and YouTube pages. Check back again for more expert insights. We’ll post ’em as we get ’em.

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January 28, 2010

Tapping Student Networks

State school sporting events have long been the venues of choice for marketers looking to make connections with coveted college student populations local fans and tightly-knit alumni networks. But the Big Ten is hardly the only game in town. This month we take a look at alternative student networks—accredited U.S. colleges often overlooked by marketers...

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January 28, 2010

Marketing to Hispanics is Still a Winner

Debates on immigration and assimilation certainly won’t be fading any time soon. But while politicians fight it out the fact remains that the growing Hispanic populations have increasing buying power. And companies are making sure to reach out to these markets. The question is: What’s the best strategy? The answer: Keep it real—as in authentic....

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