B-to-C Events

January 28, 2010

Keeping Evergreen Events Fresh Year After Year

As a rule event programs that last past five years are dubbed solid successes. But longevity shouldn’t be an excuse for letting initiatives get stale. Even when the objectives and strategies remain the same the best campaigns are freshened up every few years. Here four tips for implementing change into your long-running event programs:

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January 28, 2010

Brands Leverage Fitness to Make the Mind-Body Connection

Now that obesity is one of America’s top-of-mind issues brands that make fitness a creative part of their event programs can win mindshare change perception and even help their targets shed a few pounds. Putting some muscle behind your commitment to healthy living isn’t always a walk in the park though.

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January 28, 2010

BlueCross BlueShield Transforms Test-Run Into Success

As BlueCross BlueShield of Florida’s 2007 event marketing calendar heats up the company is scaling up its sports sponsorships launching a new mobile marketing tour and spreading out its presence at lifestyle and small-business events. With the flurry of new activity the company is now spending roughly 25 percent of its budget on event marketing—more...

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January 28, 2010

Activating Year-Round at Vacation Destinations

Tourist destinations can be attractive marketing venues especially when they’re home to tournaments festivals and annual events that boost attendance. But executing events at resorts requires a hands-on year-round commitment even if the focus is making connections during high-traffic season. Keeping things as fresh and creative off-peak is as important as during the main events....

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