B-to-C Events

January 28, 2010

Are Influencers a Myth?

Influentials probably don’t exist at least not in the way you think they do. That’s the hypothesis of Columbia University sociology professor Duncan Watts and University of Vermont assistant mathematics professor Peter Dodds.

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January 28, 2010

The Seven Secrets of Municipal Sponsorships

In 2003 Snapple’s groundbreaking $106 million deal with New York City guaranteed the beverage brand exclusive access to the Big Apple’s 1 200 schools. The partnership made headlines and drew national attention.

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January 28, 2010

How Long Should Your Sponsorship Agreement Last?

Thanks to advanced data analysis and filtering software choosing which property to sponsor isn’t always as difficult as it used to be. After the property is identified the brand faces several challenging decisions including how long the sponsorship agreement should last. Before signing on the dotted line consider these three things.

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January 28, 2010

Keeping Evergreen Events Fresh Year After Year

As a rule event programs that last past five years are dubbed solid successes. But longevity shouldn’t be an excuse for letting initiatives get stale. Even when the objectives and strategies remain the same the best campaigns are freshened up every few years. Here four tips for implementing change into your long-running event programs:

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January 28, 2010

BlueCross BlueShield Transforms Test-Run Into Success

As BlueCross BlueShield of Florida’s 2007 event marketing calendar heats up the company is scaling up its sports sponsorships launching a new mobile marketing tour and spreading out its presence at lifestyle and small-business events. With the flurry of new activity the company is now spending roughly 25 percent of its budget on event marketing—more...

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