B-to-C Events

January 28, 2010

Stunts: Speight’s Sets Sail To London To Deliver Beer To Mates

Kiwis (that’s slang for New Zealanders) love their Speight’s Gold Medal Ale. So when an ex-pat named Tim Ellingham lamented to the beer maker that he couldn’t get his favorite lager in London the brand decided to ship it to him—in a custom-built fully operational Speight’s brew pub riding atop a cargo ship. It’s the...

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January 28, 2010

Alltel Gives Friends And Fans A Shot At MVP

Alltel’s My Circle First And Ten sweepstakes gives one fan from each of 16 collegiate and professional football teams a shot at winning $100 000. One randomly chosen competitor gets to take the field along with his or her “ten” (the people they call for free based on Alltel’s signature cellular plan) to complete a...

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January 28, 2010

Integrated Marketing: Samsung Targets Indie Filmmakers Fans With Landmark Partnership

Samsung Electronics America is launching a program aimed at connecting with indie movie fans and filmmakers on a variety of levels.Based on the platform True Vision Should Lose Nothing in Translation Samsung is partnering with Landmark theaters to connect with consumers. One example? Samsung is launching a competition for up and coming filmmakers whose films...

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January 28, 2010

Targeting: MetLife Reaches Out To Women Via The Catwalk

As part of a commitment to reach more women MetLife last month launched MetLife Snoopy in Fashion a group designer fashion show during Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week in New York City. Designers including Heatherette Isaac Mizrahi Betsey Johnson Liz Claiborne and others participated creating one-of-a-kind runway outfits inspired by the Peanuts characters created by Charles M....

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January 28, 2010

KFC Connects With Office Workers Through Smell

Forget sight sound and touch. There’s only one sense that guarantees to lead directly to taste and that’s smell. KFC is drawing on its most reliable strength its recognizable scent to get office workers excited about its $2.99 Deal Meals—a plated meal including KFC's chicken a side item and a biscuit.

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