FREE WEBINAR Operation Recovery - Join event professionals from across the industry every Thursday at 2:00pm ET for candid conversations about getting your event portfolios, teams, budgets, and strategies back on track.
Modern sports fans comprise one of the most passionate and powerful demographics in the world, but they have also become one of the most fickle. Your typical sports fan isn’t just watching the game anymore, they’re craving connectivity and fresh ways to amplify their fandom on their phones. They’re connecting with their favorite players and...
In a world of more events in more cities produced by more brands and agencies, more safety precautions—there are more processes involved in getting approval for events than ever.
In a world of more events in more cities produced by more brands and agencies, more safety precautions—multiplied by bigger bolder event ideas—there are more processes involved in getting approval for events than ever and we are excited to have one of the industry’s most recognized event permit “master blasters” with us.