Partner Content

December 9, 2022

Trending: Why Personalization Will Drive Brand Experiences

Personalization is a term that conjures up images of segments, algorithms, platforms, and big budgets. But for the brands linked up with nimble partners who view the marketing ecosystem as an orbit, rather than a funnel, and who view content as fuel for campaigns, personalization is an ever-present tool within the “Experiential Commerce” model that...

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October 25, 2022

Embracing Experiential Commerce: Five Brands to Watch

The pandemic changed the way brands think about and do business with consumers, and it also changed the way marketing organizations create and execute campaigns. Smart marketers have reimagined the traditional marketing funnel as an “orbit” with a new, transaction-based model as its driving force: “Experiential Commerce.” And within the brand orbit, an evolution of...

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October 4, 2022

Engaging Along the Customer Journey: Why a Digital Foundation Matters

Fully integrated campaigns are the way of the future, and those that are too focused on developing dual paths as part of a “hybrid” strategy are losing sight of the big picture. In the new “Experiential Commerce” model, digital is the foundation that unlocks access to audiences and extends campaigns into a variety of touch...

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