Partner Content

June 12, 2022

The Power of First-Party Data in Experiential Commerce Strategy

Amid the impending death of web-tracking cookies and platforms such as Google and Facebook taking more control over third-party access to their subscribers, the idea of “owning audiences” is becoming a new priority of every marketing organization. Facing a future in which accessing “third-party” databases will be more restricted or highly costly, many Fortune 1000...

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March 29, 2022

Great Places to Work in Experiential 2022

EVENT MARKETER’S SPRING JOBS GUIDE FEATURES LEADING COMPANIES TO WORK FOR IN A POST-PANDEMIC ECONOMY  As the Great Resignation wages on, companies are tasked with showcasing the unique culture, leadership style and benefits their organization has to offer—or risk losing the chance to recruit top talent. It’s a fact not lost on the roster of...

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