Partner Content

February 28, 2017

Inside the Sales Meeting of the Future

They’re getting shorter. Edgier. Digital. They’re incorporating b-to-c experiences, taking cues from the entertainment industry. And thanks to multigenerational influences, from millennials on up (with Gen Z just around the corner), they’re feeling more co-created, personalized and shareable. We’re talking about the sales meeting of the future, no longer your typical sit-down ballroom centric experience…

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August 31, 2016

What a Live Event Will Look, Sound and Feel Like in 2021

So much has changed in events in five years, and so much will change in five more. In celebration of its fifth year, Proscenium is looking forward five years at the speed in which events are evolving today, offering a forecast into what event technology, audience expectations and experience design will look like 2021. Check...

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July 23, 2016

Partner All-Stars from EMS 2016

Profiles of the Top Experiential Marketing Partners Found at EMS 2016     Featured Experts: bluemedia         Download Now   ins’tent industries         Download Now   Mains Leasing         Download Now   O Hello Media         Download Now

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May 19, 2016

Can You Hear Me Now? A New Event Audio Solution

How b-to-b events are embracing the campus format, and wireless audio solutions for their attendees Go inside Conference Rental’s digital infrared language distribution system deployed at EventTech 2015 in Las Vegas, an open “campus” format where content, networking and entertainment took place in one room. Read how ear buds and wireless receivers transformed the attendee...

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