Consumer Electronics Archives - Page 16 of 29 - Event Marketer

November 20, 2015

Royal Philips Creates Buzz with 20-Foot Floating Box

Royal Philips Electronics launched its $100 million Sense and Simplicity global advertising campaign with a big blue box and a big white room. Looking to capture media coverage—and the attention of communication-industry VIPs—Philips started generating buzz three days before the campaign was announced, setting afloat a 20-foot tall box on the canals of Amsterdam. The...

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November 20, 2015

Sony Ericsson Rocks the Mall with Wireless Education

Educating consumers about the latest wireless products was the goal of the Sony Ericsson Rocks campaign. And keeping the demonstrations hip and cool was the path it chose to take. In malls across Canada, Sony Ericsson set up an exhibit that featured hands-on displays, special retail offers and games, plus live musical performances (Sony recording...

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November 20, 2015

Gateway Uses Caricatures to Demystify Tablets

Tablet PCs—those snazzy computers that can capture input through their write-on screens—might seem intimidating to technophobes. To demystify the machines in a pressure-free environment, Gateway set up shop next to a shopping mall Santa during the holiday rush. Targeting high-HHI holiday shoppers at the Beverly Center mall in Los Angeles, the campaign highlighted its Tablet...

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November 19, 2015

Samsung Sponsorship Fosters Consumer Creativity

Looking for a way to ratchet up its coolness among younger consumers, Samsung took to the road with the rockers on the Vans Warped Tour. At the Samsung on-site footprint, concertgoers were encouraged to express their creativity at three interactive displays. The P*nk Your Phone area allowed visitors to customize their handsets with punk rock...

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November 19, 2015

Water, Lighting Accents Drive LG’s Natural CTIA Booth Design

LG’s core message—LG is The Nature of Mobile—was woven into every aspect of the CTIA space. The brand played up both nature and high-tech multimedia at its booth, offering attendees an interactive and fully immersive experience that kept it a packed house throughout. Attendees could pick from the Music Zone, Video Zone or the Design...

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