Consumer Electronics Archives - Page 17 of 29 - Event Marketer

November 19, 2015

LifeSize Lures in Booth Visitors with Cheese and Wine

The best way to introduce the LifeSize high-definition video conferencing product was to let people see it in action. The Get a Taste of High Definition campaign for the Interop Vegas trade show did that, with a twist. Show attendees were invited to the LifeSize booth for a wine and cheese tasting by sommeliers from...

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November 19, 2015

Alltel Hits Campgrounds to Reach NASCAR Fans

Alltel wanted to turn NASCAR fans into new customers, so the brand deployed its four-in-one Fan Bash tour at seven Nextel Cup races in 2004. The tour hit premium campgrounds near NASCAR racetracks for three days each between February and November. At the brand’s 200-foot-by-200-foot site, fans filled out a lead-gen card to get into...

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November 18, 2015

Philips Turns its Sales Convention into a Spy Movie

The Spanish and Portuguese division of Philips Electronics turned its annual sales convention into a blockbuster spy movie. Scriptwriters created a complete plot in which Philips’s competitors were cast as an international gathering of gangsters bent on stealing Philips’s secret sales plans for 2007. Everyone attending the meeting was part of the top-secret operation to...

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November 18, 2015

Samsung Executes a Triple Threat Press Show

More than 300 key media members turned out for the Samsung Global Road Show, where the brand highlighted its newest products, technology and plans for the year ahead. The 2005 show featured three distinct sections. The Samsung Experience was held at Samsung’s concept store at the Time Warner building in Manhattan. An event with Samsung...

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November 17, 2015

Nokia and Partners Activate a Beverly Hills Demo Mansion

To promote the Nokia Nseries on the West Coast, Nokia invited area press, bloggers and retail partners to a bash at a Beverly Hills mansion. Upon arrival, guests were driven to the front door of the mansion in Nokia branded Smart Cars fitted complete with working GPS courtesy of the N95s. Inside, seven rooms in the...

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