Posts tagged with ‘event measurement’

January 22, 2024

Nine Must-Read Stories: Industry Experts Talk Event Measurement and ROI

Most event marketers know how difficult it can be to get budget dollars when their peers in other marketing disciplines have better data. Ratings, streams, clicks, opens and impressions can seem like daunting metrics to compete with. But there are countless ways to measure the impact of events and collect compelling data that proves how...

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September 5, 2023

Monthly Pulse Survey Results: Event Measurement

Event Marketer’s monthly Industry Pulse Survey fielded responses from the experiential marketing community in August to gather intel on how event measurement tools and strategies are being employed. Most of respondents reported that they’re benchmarking against year-over-year data (80%), followed by historical data (67%), while lead generation and attendee satisfaction serve as top measurement tactics. (Look...

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December 21, 2020

Five Insights on Developing an Impactful Virtual Event Measurement Strategy

In the early days of the pandemic, event marketers scrambled to replace their physical events with virtual ones without much strategic insight as to exactly how to measure the impact of their efforts. Flash-forward to the present and the industry is taking full advantage of the data-rich environments virtual events provide by measuring their effectiveness...

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