Posts tagged with ‘experiential marketing’

April 12, 2019

SXSW 2019 Part Deux: Experiential in Austin, From Dell to Bumble to Twitter

From augmented reality-enabled audio journeys to a library of President Donald Trump’s tweets to “Project Runway” music videos, we bring you part two in our coverage of SXSW’s opening weekend, March 8-10. What stood out: how many scooters cruised the streets of Austin, how many puppies there were to cuddle, how brand ambassadors’ passion (or...

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April 11, 2019

Meet the Speakers, EMS 2019: Walmart and Reinventing the Conference Wheel

We’re back with more event inspiration from the speaking faculty at the Experiential Marketing Summit, this year May 14-16, at Caesars Palace Las Vegas. Today’s session preview: “The New Shareholder Meeting.” Here’s the topline: Walmart’s annual Shareholder Meeting is a key driver of education and motivation amongst 14,000-plus shareholders and employees. But the success of...

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April 10, 2019

How Chevy is Making a Difference Among Girls with its Soccer Sponsorship

Sponsorships connect brands to consumer passion points, but they can also open doors to help brands make a real difference in the lives of fans. Chevrolet recently wrapped a fifth season of its GoalKeepers campaign, a program built with the Women’s Sports Foundation surrounding the brand’s Manchester United sponsorship in the U.K. The goal of...

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