Posts tagged with ‘HBO’

October 12, 2020

How HBO Delivered a Groundbreaking Social VR Experience for 100 Influencers

The pandemic has required event marketers to not only master the virtual event realm, but to keep up with the emerging technologies that fuel compelling virtual experiences. For HBO, that challenge has also served as an opportunity to connect with consumers in fresh and meaningful ways while largescale in-person events are on hold. The network...

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May 15, 2019

Grand Ex 2019: HBO, Giant Spoon and the Experiential Campaign of the Year

How HBO’s ambitious SXSWestworld campaign leveraged hyper personalization and content at scale to captivate festivalgoers—and an entire industry   Loyal fans of the HBO series “Westworld” might have thought twice about the roundtrip ticket to Sweetwater. The fictional town is home, after all, to more than a few gunfights, ambushes and bloody massacres that are...

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February 14, 2019

Three Strategies for Igniting a CBD-infused Experience

If you’re one of the many event marketers who keeps a close eye on pop culture trends, you know that CBD-based products have become all the rage. CBD, or cannabidiol, is one of the non-psychoactive chemical compounds found in cannabis, and has seen explosive growth in the marketplace thanks to health benefits ranging from anxiety...

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