Posts tagged with ‘sampling’

September 2, 2019

Families Take Multisensory Tours of Cinnamon Toast Crunch’s ‘Cinnaverse’

To spread awareness of the cereal’s new, colorful branding and greater emphasis of its 16 cartoon “Cinnamoji” characters back of box, Cinnamon Toast Crunch created a five-room, interactive pop-up this summer in three cities, Santa Monica, CA, Houston and Chicago, from July 18 to Aug. 25. Dubbed the “Cinnaverse,” the experience traveled to areas where...

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August 26, 2019

How Brands from Bacardi to Salesforce are Tackling Event Food Waste

Reducing food and beverage waste is the new way to “go green” There’s a pressing topic that event marketers can no longer ignore: food waste. The USDA estimates that 30 to 40 percent of the country’s food supply ends up in landfills, while the National Resources Defense Council (NRDC) reports that food waste is responsible...

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August 19, 2019

How Hostess Proved its Relevance in Snacking with an Experiential Campaign

There’s a nostalgia-driven love affair consumers have with the Hostess CupCake, but for the celebration of its 100th anniversary—its “Sweetennial”—the brand set out to acknowledge its history while proving how relevant the snack brand is today. The campaign, designed to earn maximum media attention, included a nationwide tour with activations and sampling, a Donette-eating competition...

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July 3, 2019

How the Stoli Key West Cocktail Classic Supports the LGBTQ Community

What began as a man with “a bar and a dream” has evolved into an annual, nationwide event series celebrating the legacy of LGBTQ bartenders and gay bars as safe spaces and social centers for the LGBTQ community. Indeed, the Stoli Key West Cocktail Classic bartending competition was dreamed up by Stoli’s national LGBT ambassador,...

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